How to Provide Impersonation Rights Using Powershell/EAC?

Impersonation rights help a service application to act like a regular user account. When a service application needs to perform some specific tasks as a user, then it requires permissions like those of a user account.

Let's see how we can assign impersonation rights using two methods -

  • Assign impersonation rights using Windows PowerShell
  • Assign impersonation rights using Exchange Admin Center

Assign Impersonation rights using Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell provides a command line interface to run command-lets (cmdlets) to access the application and make appropriate changes in the settings. You can run cmdlets to give impersonation right to any service account.

1. Start the Windows PowerShell as Administrator and run the command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

This command will let you run every kind of script even if they are digitally signed or not.

2. Run the command:

$livecred = Get-Credential

The command will input the Exchange Online credential of the Administrator account to a particular variable.

3. Run the command:

$s = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection

The command will create a new session for Exchange Online.

4. Run the command:

$importresults= Import-PSSession $s

The command will import the Exchange Online session to the current session.

5. Run the command:

New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "ApplicationImpersonation" -User

The command will assign the impersonation rights.

Assign impersonation rights using Exchange Admin Center

The Exchange Admin Center provides a direct interface where you can assign impersonation rights easily.

Step 1. Login to Office 365 using Administrator credentials. Then click the Admin option under Apps.

office 365 account

Step 2.Under admin centers, click Exchange.


Step 3. In the permissions tab, go to admin roles and click the + button.

admin role

Step 4.Provide a new name to the role group, then click the + button under Roles.

role group

Step 5. Select the ApplicationImpersonation from the list and click Add button, then click OK.

application impersonation

Step 6. Click the + under the Members section.

role group

Step 7.Select a mailbox as the member of the role group and click the add button. Then click OK.


Step 8.Finally, click Save.

role group save

After completing the process, the impersonation role will be displayed under the recipients > admin roles in the Exchange admin center.
